Showing results 31 - 40 of 66

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Protecting olympic participants from COVID-19: the trialled and tested process
Fabio Pigozzi, Bernd Wolfarth, Ana Cintron Rodriguez, Juergen Michael Steinacker, Victoriya Badtieva, James Lee John Bilzon, Christian Schneider, William O Roberts, Jeroen Swart, Demitri Constantinou, Michiko Dohi, Theodora Papadopoulou, Mark Hutchinson, Luigi Di Luigi, Maher ZaharSee the full list of authors

16 July 2021

Infographic. COVID-19 RT-PCR testing for elite athletes
Alan Rankin, Andrew Massey, Éanna Cian Falvey, Todd Ellenbecker, Peter Harcourt, Andrew Murray, Denis Kinane, Bert Niesters, Nigel Jones, Rhodri Martin, Michael Roshon, Michael Edmund David McLarnon, James Calder, Dionisio Izquierdo, Babette M PluimSee the full list of authors

17 January 2021