Open access

Showing results 21 - 30 of 100

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We want healthy athletes and fair competition
Yannis P Pitsiladis, Fabio Pigozzi, Michael Geistlinger, José Kawazoe Lazzoli, Maher Zahar, Norbert Bachl, Pedro Manonelles Marqueta, William O Roberts, Klaus-Michael Braumann, Eduardo H De Rose, Demitri Constantinou, Anca Ionescu, Christian Schneider, Patrick Shu-Hang Yung, Xavier BigardSee the full list of authors

31 May 2024

Baseline clinical and MRI risk factors for hamstring reinjury showing the value of performing baseline MRI and delaying return to play: a multicentre, prospective cohort of 330 acute hamstring injuries
Muhammad Ikhwan Zein, Milo J K Mokkenstorm, Marco Cardinale, Louis Holtzhausen, Rod Whiteley, Maarten H Moen, Guus Reurink, Johannes L Tol, , for the Qatari and Dutch Hamstring Study Group, Emad Almusa, Roald Bahr, Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra, Sirine Boukarroum, Stan BuckensSee the full list of authors

10 May 2024